Strona główna > Hobbies > Jak Wykreślić Izokwanty I Izokwanty W Excelu 2007

Jak wykreślić izokwanty i izokwanty w Excelu 2007

Izokwanty i izokwanty są narzędziami opracowanymi przez ekonomistów w celu opisania kosztów produkcji i produkcji firmy. Izokwanta pokazuje wiązki nakładów dostępnych dla firmy przy danym koszcie. Izokwanta pokazuje wiązki nakładów, które produkują dany poziom produkcji. Przy wyjaśnianiu tych funkcji, kapitał (K) i praca (L) są tradycyjnie używane jako dwa nakłady dla tych funkcji. Chociaż nie ma matematycznego ograniczenia, ograniczając się do dwóch nakładów, można stworzyć wykres za pomocą programu Microsoft Excel.

  • K = 750 / 50 K = 15 Rozwiąż równanie, gdy K wynosi zero.
  • (
  • Pl = 25 Pk = 50 TC = 750 Przepisując równanie z podanymi wartościami: (25 * L) + (50 * K) = 750 Solve the equation when L is zero.
  • (
  • Isoquants and isocosts are tools developed by economists to describe a firm's production costs and output.
  • An isoquant shows the bundles of inputs that produce a given level of output.

Determine your isocost equation. It is of the form:

[Pl * L] + [Pk * K] = TC

where Pl is the price of labor

L is the amount of labor

Pk is the Price of Capital

K is the amount of capital

TC is the total cost.

For this example we will use

Pl = 25

Pk = 50

TC = 750

Rewriting the equation with the given values:

(25 * L) + (50 * K) = 750

  • K = 750 / 50 K = 15 Solve the equation when K is zero.
  • (
  • Pl = 25 Pk = 50 TC = 750 Rewriting the equation with the given values: (25 * L) + (50 * K) = 750 Solve the equation when L is zero.
  • (

Solve the equation when L is zero.

(25 * 0) + (50* K) = 750

  • K = 750 / 50 K = 15 Solve the equation when K is zero.
  • (
  • Pl = 25 Pk = 50 TC = 750 Rewriting the equation with the given values: (25 * L) + (50 * K) = 750 Solve the equation when L is zero.
  • (

K = 750 / 50

K = 15

Solve the equation when K is zero.

(25 * L) + (50* 0) = 750

  • K = 750 / 50 K = 15 Solve the equation when K is zero.
  • (
  • Pl = 25 Pk = 50 TC = 750 Rewriting the equation with the given values: (25 * L) + (50 * K) = 750 Solve the equation when L is zero.
  • (

L = 750 / 25

L = 30

Enter the data points

(0, 15), (30,0)

  • K = 750 / 50 K = 15 Solve the equation when K is zero.
  • (
  • Pl = 25 Pk = 50 TC = 750 Rewriting the equation with the given values: (25 * L) + (50 * K) = 750 Solve the equation when L is zero.
  • (

In cell A1 enter 0

In cell A2 enter 30

In cell B1 enter 15

In cell B2 enter 0

Select cells A1, B1, A2, B2

Launch the Excel Chart Wizard.

Select XY (Scatter) as the type from the Standard Types Menu.

  • Launch the Excel Chart Wizard.
  • Select XY (Scatter) as the type from the Standard Types Menu.
  • Select XY (Scatter) as the type from the Standard Types Menu.
  • Launch the Excel Chart Wizard.
  • Select XY (Scatter) as the type from the Standard Types Menu.
  • K = 750 / 50 K = 15 Solve the equation when K is zero.
  • (
  • Pl = 25 Pk = 50 TC = 750 Rewriting the equation with the given values: (25 * L) + (50 * K) = 750 Solve the equation when L is zero.
  • (

Select either subtype "Scatter with data points connected by lines without markers" or "Scatter with data points connected by lines."

Click "Next." Confirm the data range is accurate and "series in columns" is selected.

Complete the labels for the graph. Here are suggestions:

Title: Isocost Line for Firm when Total Cost = £65

Value (X) Axis: Labor

  • K = 750 / 50 K = 15 Solve the equation when K is zero.
  • (
  • Pl = 25 Pk = 50 TC = 750 Rewriting the equation with the given values: (25 * L) + (50 * K) = 750 Solve the equation when L is zero.
  • (

Value (Y) Axis: Capital

  • K = 750 / 50 K = 15 Solve the equation when K is zero.
  • (
  • Pl = 25 Pk = 50 TC = 750 Rewriting the equation with the given values: (25 * L) + (50 * K) = 750 Solve the equation when L is zero.
  • (

Select either "As new sheet" or "As object in."

Click "Finish." Your graph will be displayed.

Determine your isoquant equation. Economists typically use a Cobb-Douglas production function. It is an equation in which the variables are exponents and it is beyond the scope of this article to solve.

  • Value (X) Axis: Labor Value (Y) Axis: Capital Select either "As new sheet" or "As object in."
  • Economists typically use a Cobb-Douglas production function.

Enter your data points. Here are example data points:

(1,5), (1.3, 3), (2, 2), (3, 1,3), (5, 1)

  • K = 750 / 50 K = 15 Solve the equation when K is zero.
  • (
  • Pl = 25 Pk = 50 TC = 750 Rewriting the equation with the given values: (25 * L) + (50 * K) = 750 Solve the equation when L is zero.
  • (

In cell A1 enter 1

In cell A2 enter 5

In cell B1 enter 1.3

In cell B2 enter 3

In cell A3 enter 2

In cell B3 enter 2

In cell A4 enter 3

In cell B4 enter 1.3

In cell A5 enter 5

In cell B5 enter 1

Select cells A1, B1, A2, B2, A3, B3, A4, B4, A5, B5

Launch the Excel Chart Wizard.

Select XY (Scatter) as the type from the Standard Types Menu.

  • Launch the Excel Chart Wizard.
  • Select XY (Scatter) as the type from the Standard Types Menu.
  • Select XY (Scatter) as the type from the Standard Types Menu.
  • Launch the Excel Chart Wizard.
  • Select XY (Scatter) as the type from the Standard Types Menu.
  • K = 750 / 50 K = 15 Solve the equation when K is zero.
  • (
  • Pl = 25 Pk = 50 TC = 750 Rewriting the equation with the given values: (25 * L) + (50 * K) = 750 Solve the equation when L is zero.
  • (

Select either subtype "Scatter with data points smoothed by lines without markers" or "Scatter with data points smoothed by lines."

Click "Next." Confirm the data range is accurate and "series in columns" is selected.

Complete the labels for the graph. Here are suggestions:

Title: Isoquant for Firm when Output = 15 units per day

Value (X) Axis: Labor (workers per day)

  • K = 750 / 50 K = 15 Solve the equation when K is zero.
  • (
  • Pl = 25 Pk = 50 TC = 750 Rewriting the equation with the given values: (25 * L) + (50 * K) = 750 Solve the equation when L is zero.
  • (

Value (Y) Axis: Capital (machines per day)

  • K = 750 / 50 K = 15 Solve the equation when K is zero.
  • (
  • Pl = 25 Pk = 50 TC = 750 Rewriting the equation with the given values: (25 * L) + (50 * K) = 750 Solve the equation when L is zero.
  • (

Select either "As new sheet" or "As object in."

Click "Finish." Your graph will be displayed.

By Niabi Ewers

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